Saturday, September 1, 2012

What I Thought I'd Be Doing

This is the very first time I am actually writing in this blog late at night with a glass of red wine next to me. This is how I envisioned my blog life to be!

It has been a good day. I went for run in the morning and I have been eating in a sensibly way and best of all, no compulsive behavior at all. I have been too busy to think about food and I have been somehow back to my more normal self about not over eating or eating anything possible in sight. Right now I have entered my personal danger zone, though. The house is quiet, everyone is doing their own stuff and it's MY TIME. And usually that means surfing the net and several trips to the fridge! But tonight, for the first time ever, instead of fridge tourism I'm writing this little note and when I'm done I'll plan to surf the blogs and yes, you've got it, I'm targeting all those blogs that tell me it's possible to lose weight, it's possible to live without extra burdens, it's possible to learn new things, it's possible to break free!

It is possible to break free.

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